Pada 25 April, SS501 Heo Young Saeng menghadiri rekaman untuk sebuah episode mendatang “Running Man” SBS.
Seperti dilaporkan sebelumnya, rencana untuk merilis album solo yang diundur setelah Heo Young Saeng menderita cedera tangan saat latihan koreografi. Sayangnya, ia tidak bisa mengundur kembali kegiatan-kegiatan yang lain pra-terjadwal, sehingga ia muncul di rekaman dengan gips.
B2M Entertainment menyatakan,
“Dokter mengatakan kepada kami untuk membatasi aktivitas fisik sampai tangannya sembuh, namun ia bertekad untuk memenuhi janjinya dengan produser. Produser memandang tinggi tekad dan ketulusan dengan karyanya. ”
Castmates-nya tidak tahu bahwa Young Saeng akan muncul dengan gips dan menyatakan mereka sangat terkejut atas situasi yang tidak menguntungkan, dan untuk Young Saeng sendiri, ia berusaha sebaik-baiknya untuk menyembunyikan gips-nya.
Episode “Running Man”-nya akan tayang pada tanggal 8 Mei.
Eng trans:
On April 25, SS501 Heo Young Saeng attended the recording for an upcoming episode of "Running Man" SBS.
As previously reported, plans to release a solo album postponed after Heo Young Saeng's hand injury suffered during practice the choreography. Unfortunately, he could not go back mengundur other activities pre-scheduled, so that he appeared on recordings by the cast.
B2M Entertainment stated,
"The doctor told us to limit physical activity until his hand healed, but he was determined to fulfill his promise to the producer. The producer thought highly of determination and sincerity to his work. "
Castmates he did not know that Young Saeng will appear with the cast and declared they were very surprised by the unfortunate situation, and for Young Saeng own, he tried his best to hide his plaster cast.
Episode "Running Man" it will air on May 8th.
Seperti dilaporkan sebelumnya, rencana untuk merilis album solo yang diundur setelah Heo Young Saeng menderita cedera tangan saat latihan koreografi. Sayangnya, ia tidak bisa mengundur kembali kegiatan-kegiatan yang lain pra-terjadwal, sehingga ia muncul di rekaman dengan gips.
B2M Entertainment menyatakan,
“Dokter mengatakan kepada kami untuk membatasi aktivitas fisik sampai tangannya sembuh, namun ia bertekad untuk memenuhi janjinya dengan produser. Produser memandang tinggi tekad dan ketulusan dengan karyanya. ”
Castmates-nya tidak tahu bahwa Young Saeng akan muncul dengan gips dan menyatakan mereka sangat terkejut atas situasi yang tidak menguntungkan, dan untuk Young Saeng sendiri, ia berusaha sebaik-baiknya untuk menyembunyikan gips-nya.
Episode “Running Man”-nya akan tayang pada tanggal 8 Mei.
Eng trans:
On April 25, SS501 Heo Young Saeng attended the recording for an upcoming episode of "Running Man" SBS.
As previously reported, plans to release a solo album postponed after Heo Young Saeng's hand injury suffered during practice the choreography. Unfortunately, he could not go back mengundur other activities pre-scheduled, so that he appeared on recordings by the cast.
B2M Entertainment stated,
"The doctor told us to limit physical activity until his hand healed, but he was determined to fulfill his promise to the producer. The producer thought highly of determination and sincerity to his work. "
Castmates he did not know that Young Saeng will appear with the cast and declared they were very surprised by the unfortunate situation, and for Young Saeng own, he tried his best to hide his plaster cast.
Episode "Running Man" it will air on May 8th.
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